The best argument for the tenure system that prote...

The best argument for the tenure system that protects professional employment in universities is that it allows veteran faculty to hire people smarter than they are and yet remain secure in the knowledge that unless they themselves are caught in an act of moral turpitude—a concept that in the present climate almost defies definition—the younger faculty cannot turn around and fire them. This is not true in industry.  Which of the following assumptions is most likely to have been made by the author of the argument above?


A.Industry should follow the example of universities and protect the jobs of managers by instituting a tenure system.

B.If no tenure system existed, veteran faculty would be reluctant to hire new faculty who might threaten the veteran faculty’s own jobs.

C.The traditional argument that the tenure system protects scholars in universities from being dismissed for holding unconventional or unpopular beliefs is no longer persuasive.

D.If a stronger consensus concerning what constitutes moral turpitude existed, the tenure system in universities would be expendable.

E.Veteran faculty will usually hire and promote new faculty whose scholarship is more up-to-date than their own.






