Many people have unsuccessful interviews because...

  Many people have unsuccessful interviews because they aren’t  21 . It is possible to learn how to do well in an interview simply by following a few basic rules.
  Firstly, find out as much as you can about the company of the  22 . Write notes about the job you are trying to get and make a list of questions you can ask. Then make sure you know exactly when and where the interview is. Look up the  23 on a map. Find out about bus and  24 if necessary and try to  25 exactly how long the journey will take. If you are really worried, make the journey a few days before your interview to find this out.
  Another important rule is to plan what you are going to wear  26 . Make sure it’s clean, it fits and it’s comfortable! Clean your shoes and  27 , what you will take in your bag or briefcase. All you should do the night before is have a quick look at your notes. Go to bed early so you can get up in good time and  28 . When you walk into the interview room look  29 at your interviewers and shake hands with them. Finally,  30 , and speak clearly.








