

发布时间:2021-02-26 05:11:43


1、 下面谱例出自《糖果仙子舞曲》,柴可夫斯基用清晰、纯净的音色表现了糖果仙子轻盈、飘逸的舞蹈,演奏该段音乐主题的乐器是(  )

A. 钢片琴

B. 中提琴

C. 单簧管

D. 圆号


2、  Which of the following tasks fails to develop students´ skill of recognizing discourse patterns? (单选题)

A. Analyzing the structure of difficult sentences.

B. Checking the logic of the author's arguments.

C. Getting the scrambled sentences into a paragraph.

D. Marking out common openers to stories and jokes.


3、 容闳在《西学东渐记》中写道:“战争之起……以此粗笨之农具,而能所向无敌,逐北追奔。如疾风扫秋叶……恶根买种于满洲政府之政治。”他所说的“战争”指的是()。 (单选题)

A. 天理教起义

B. 白莲教起义

C. 太平天国运动

D. 义和团运动


4、 为加快少数民族地区教育事业的发展,经济、教育发达地区根据国家要求认真落实对少数民族地区的教育对口支援工作。这一举措(  )。 (单选题)

A. 体现了对宗教信仰自由的尊重

B. 是巩固新型民族关系的根本保证

C. 能够确保各民族政治地位的平等

D. 能够促进民族地区的稳定和繁荣


5、 请阅读Passage l。完成第{TSE}小题。
Passage 1
When the Viaduct de Millau opened in the south of France in 2004, this tallest bridge in the world won worldwide accolades. German newspapers described how it   "floated above the clouds" with "elegance and lightness" and "breathtaking" beauty. In France, papers praised the "immense""concrete giant." Was it mere coincidence that the Germans saw beauty where the French saw heft and power? Lera Borodisky thinks not.
In a series of clever experiments guided by pointed questions, Boroditsky is amassing evidence that, yes, language shapes thought. The effect is powerful enough, she says, that "the private mental lives of speakers of different languages may differ dramatically," not only when they are thinking in order to speak,  "but in all manner of cognitive tasks," including basic sensory perception.  "Even a small fluke of grammar"--the gender of nouns--"can have an effect on how people think about things in the world," she says.
As in that bridge, in German, the noun for bridge, Brucke, is feminine. In French, pont is masculine. German speakers saw prototypically female features; French speakers, masculine ones.
Similarly, Germans describe keys (Schlussel) with words such as hard, heavy, jagged, and metal, while to Spaniards keys (llaves) are golden, intricate, little, and lovely. Guess which language construes key as masculine and which as feminine? Grammatical gender also shapes how we construe abstractions.
In 85 percent of artistic depictions of death and victory, for instance, the idea is represented by a man if the noun is masculine and a woman if it is feminine, says Boroditsky. Germans tend to paint death as male, and Russians tend to paint it as female.
Language even shapes what we see. People have a better memory for colors if different shades have distinct names--not English´s light blue and dark blue, for instance, but Russian´s goluboy and sinly. Skeptics of the language-shapes-thought claim have argued that that´s a trivial finding,showing only that people remember what they saw in both a visual form and a verbal one, but not proving that they actually see the hues differently. In an ingenious experiment, however, Boroditsky and colleagues showed volunteers three color swatches and asked them which of the bottom two was the same as the top one. Native Russian speakers were faster than English speakers when the colors had distinct names, suggesting that having a name for something allows you to perceive it more sharply. Similarly, Korean uses one word for   "in" when one object is in another snugly, and a different one when an object is in something loosely. Sure enough, Korean adults are better than English speakers at distinguishing tight fit from loose fit.
Science has only scratched the surface of how language affects thought. In Russian, verb forms indicate whether the action was completed or not--as in   "she ate  [and finished] the pizza." In Turkish, verbs indicate whether the action was observed or merely rumored. Boroditsky would love to run an experiment testing whether native Russian speakers are better than others at noticing if an action is completed, and if Turks have a heightened sensitivity to fact versus hearsay. Similarly,while English says  "she broke the bowl" even if it smashed accidentally, Spanish and Japanese describe the same event more like "the bowl broke itself.  When we show people video of the same event," says Boroditsky, "English speakers remember who was to blame even in an accident,but Spanish and Japanese speakers remember it less well than they do intentional actions. It raises questions about whether language affects even something as basic as how we construct our ideas of causality."
{TS}Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word  "accolades" in PARAGRAPH ONE? (单选题)

A. Praises.

B. Awards.

C. Support.

D. Gratitude.









