

发布时间:2024-03-27 05:00:55


1、 What does the speaker talk about? (单选题)

A. An exciting lunch party.

B. A well-known short story.

C. An unforgettable experience.


2、 第(55)题选 (单选题)

A. climbed up

B. come in

C. flown out

D. got down


3、 根据下面资料,回答{TSE}题。
We feel it is important to start reading to your child fight from the start—me younger the better[With little ones(children from birth t04)it is very important to read and reread books.
Starting early makes the job of the listener(for you will be teaching your child how to listen) easier,as it helps to develop all early love of the wriRen and spoken word.
We believe that you should read aloud to your child at least once every day.Set a special reading time during the day or evening when you Can settle down and enjoy a book,without inter-mption.For most families,reading aloud at bedtime is a common practice.
We understand that it Can be quite discouraging to read to a child who takes no interest.Take heart!Leaming to listen takes experience.The more you read,the more your child will learn to sit for a story.Children have a natural development of responses(反应)to your reading.By the time your child reaches 6—7 months.s/he is attracted by the book in your hand,and would like to test it out by using it as a chew(咀嚼)toy.This is natural!By one year,your child is learning to lis.
ten and talk about the pages,often shouting out things s/he recognizes.Encourage this!And at the onset(起始)of walking,you have your biggest challenge yet.Your child is always on the go.
You need to set your reading time for a time in the day when your child is preparing to settle down.
This means bedtime.Remember,it is your right and duty to teach your child about the power of books.Of course,it doesn’t happen overnight,but the returns are great !
{TS}Who does“the listener”in the first paragraph refer to? (单选题)

A. The writer.

B. The child.

C. The parent.

D. The teacher.


4、 Why do Irish potatoes grow better in the shade? (单选题)

A. They have deeper roots.

B. They have wider leaves.

C. They have bigger flowers.


5、 根据下面资料,回答{TSE}题。
Chica90’s Children’s Hospital is the lucky receiver of a surprise$18 million gift from Gladys Holm.She once was a secretary who never earned more than$15,000 a year and never married.
She lived alone in a small flat in Chica90,and was a volunteer at the Children’s Hospital.She was called the“Teddy Bear Lady”because she brought toy animals to sick children on her regular visits.But Miss Holm,who died in 1996 at the age of 86,was also a long—time buyer of stocks(股票).Over the years,she saved money that rose up tO$18 million,which she left to the Children’s Hospital.It was the largest single donation in the hospital’s 115-year history.The hospital president,Jan Jennings,was shocked when she heard the news.“When Miss Holm’s lawyer called to tell me how much that money was,I asked him to repeat it,since l was certain I had mis-heard.”
Why did Gladys Holm feel so strongly about the Children’s Hospital?Jennings said the hospi-tal first touched Miss Holm’s heart nearly 50 years ago,when doctors there saved the life of her friend’s daughter.She never forgot the happiness she felt all those years ago.
Holm’s gift will be devoted to heart disease research.People at the hospital said they regretted that they couldn’t thank Miss Holm for the surprising gift.
{TS}According to the text,Miss Holm built up her fortune by__________. (单选题)

A. playing Teddy Bear Lady

B. working as a secretary

C. helping in the hospital

D. buying stocks









